Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sarge - he's large and in charge!

Sarge is super large and in charge!  I woke up on Saturday morning and the house was eerily quiet.  Normally there's the buzz of cartoons on t.v. or kids and dogs playing but it was silent.......

I was particularly excited this morning because of the new foster dog, Sarge.  My family has fostered dogs and cats for years but never one quite so formidable.  Sarge joined us a few days earlier from Lincoln County Humane Society  He arrived on Wednesday night (thanks Steve for picking him up!) and was promptly neutered on Friday morning.

Sarge would lean into whoever was petting him.  He loves to play tug of war and is a true, gentle giant.  Sarge was a little bit challenging to walk, as his exuberance often lifted my 200lb+ husband right off his feet.

My dogs were a little intimidated by him.  But my fearless daughter, Sarah was in love!  It was impossible to restrain her and she quickly became his best bud.  I laughed so hard when I walked into the room that morning.  I asked "How did Sarge get you in there?" Sarah giggled back "Mom, it's the only way I could read without getting drool on my book!".....of course!

Sarge was adopted on Saturday to an amazingly, loving family with 65 acres to romp and play and a 125lb brother, Buddha to share his life with.

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